About Holmeegenes
Holmeegenes was built as a gazebo by Gabriel Kielland. The property was later taken over by Axel Chr. Kielland, who built the large combined tenant housing and the operational building that stands on the property today. In 1890 the property was sold by the Kielland family, and in 1891-1986 the property was owned by the Lunde brothers. In 1896 Peder Sandved bought the property and established horticulture here.
The following year Bernt Pedersen took over the property, and in 1915 he transferred the property and horticulture to his son Birger Pedersen (b. 1874) who had operated the horticulture since 1897. Birger Pedersen was sole owner of Holmeegenes until his death in 1954. Pedersen was a very active local politician as municipal representative and chairman of the party Venstre. He was also a board member of a number of committees and companies.
As of 2006, the property was a joint venture between his daughters Gunhild Pedersen (1/3), Karen Pedersen (1/3), and the children of his third daughter, Sidsel Onstad (1/6) and Ole Gjems Onstad (1/6).
Gunhild Pedersen lived on Holmeegenes until her death in 2006, and she willed her share of the property to Ib Omland, a neighbor and close friend.
The estate after Gunhild Pedersen was represented by lawyer Odd Netteland, who approached the councilor in Stavanger municipality with a request if the municipality wanted to bid on the property. In 2007, the municipality of Stavanger decided to buy the property and restore it for up to NOK 15 million.
Stavanger Museum was given the task of cleaning out and documenting all the contents of the home and the operating part of Holmeegenes, on the condition that the museum was given ownership of the objects, photographs and archives that were in the house.